
The questions YOU should ask at a job interview

Always be prepared for that one dreaded question at the end of every interview!

It seems many jobseekers have a collective distain for one faithful question that comes at the end of every job interview: do you have any questions for me?

We’ve all been there. We’ve studied the questions, and rehearsed our answers, but this question is always the tried-and-true curveball. And how you choose to answer could score you some major brownie points. Liza Kirpatrick, a director at the Kellogg School of Management’s Career Management Center, has ten years of experience as a recruiter. Here are some of the questions she says will show the interviewer you mean business.

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1. “What are the biggest obstacles I’ll see in the first few months in this job – and how will my success be measured?”

This is a two-in-one, but both issues are sides of the same coin. You’ll find most jobs in the mid-level and higher will have a 90-day probation period where employers can see if you’re truly a good fit for the position. This question gives you insight into what they’ll be looking for during that time. And knowing how your performance will be measured will better help you meet you companies needs and goals.

Be vigilant because the interviewer could ask you this question instead. In this case, you’ll want to pre-emptively think about what you’ll be doing in your new role, and the issues you think you’ll run into.

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Written by Emma Reed

Emma is a full time gossip chaser. Her passions are riding through the countryside with her doggos and writing stories that make people go WOW. She's the editor at

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